Thursday, March 29, 2012

Cheers to Guillen!

There is a good reason they call these ceremonies "commencement exercises."  Graduation is not the end; it's the beginning.  ~Orrin Hatch (U.S. Senator from Utah)
To all the graduates, congratulations!  This is just a beginning of your journey in achieving your dreams.  Continue to strive harder.  Do not also forget your parents, guardians, friends, and loved ones who supported you along the way.  They are also a part of your success.  Most especially pay tribute to your parents who worked hard to make this day possible.  

I would also like to mention that today is also the graduation ceremony of Guillen (our niece, from my husband's side).   Congrats, Guillen!  Keep it up! We are so proud of you! 

Guillen is graduating with honors, as the 3rd Honorable Mention in their elementary school (thumbs up sign!).  She also got a scholarship from a reputable school (lucky girl!).  You will soon be entering high school... more challenges and tests to come... But worry not, there will also be more fun and excitement.  Balance is the key word.   

Good luck to our pretty and brainy niece!  High school life here you come! ^v^ 

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