Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Love Month

Five days from now, it's Valentine's Day... Love is in the air as they say.... Couples are busy thinking on what to give to their partners on this special day.  Actually, Valentine's Day is not just for couples or lovers.  It can also be a special day for any individual because each of us knows how to love... to care...  It's not all about romantic love... It can be a love for a mother.. a father...  siblings... relatives... and friends..  In my case, I have more reasons to celebrate this occasion especially that our marriage has been blessed with a wonderful baby.  There's so much to be thankful for and hoped for.   In the coming days, I know that love will still continue to grow in our relationship.  There will be more love to give to my husband and our little one as they are my source of inspiration, comfort, and strength.  There will also be more dreams and wishes to make and to fulfill for our family.  Giving them love makes my life more fulfilling.  

I guess this Valentine's Day, just spending  time with your loved ones is already enough to make the day special.  With all the not-so-good things happening in our country, we should thank the Lord that each time we wake up, our loved ones are there to greet.... to hug us ... to talk to.. to smile .. to cry... and to laughwith us...  Let's always keep the love flowing... Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Let's spread love and positivity! ^v^

Happy Hearts Day!

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